SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the process of improving a website’s ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs) through both on-page and off-page optimization. When you optimize your site for SEO, you’re trying to make it as easy as possible for the algorithm that powers Google or Bing to find your content.
This means building relevant links from other websites to yours, optimizing your meta tags and page titles so that they match what people are searching for in Google, and more. In this blog post, I am sharing the top 25 SEO tactics to optimize your blog/website for search engines.
Top 25 SEO Tactics To Improve Organic Traffic
#1: Create a blog/website using WordPress or Blogger
Creating your own blog/website is the number one easiest way to get the most traffic from search engines.
There are over 200 million blogs online, which means there’s lots of competition, and if you’re going against big brands with millions of visitors, it may not be easy. But as long as you do it right, having your own domain makes it much easier for people to find you in search results (especially Google).
Just remember that the more original content you provide or any unique topics you can cover, the better.
#2: Choose the right keywords
Keyword research is crucial to your SEO success. If you don’t know what people are searching for, how will you get the traffic?
Consider starting with a simple keyword tool like Google’s Keyword Planner or even a paid one like Long Tail Pro. You can also use tools like Ubersuggest and to generate more long-tail phrases related to your niche.
#3: Optimize your meta tags and page titles
Meta tags and page titles are what you see when you search for something using Google. Here’s an example:
The first line is the title tag, containing a few relevant keywords that describe your post. The second line is the description, which should also include some of those keywords. Search engines index both lines, so they’re important to include in your blog posts. Page titles have the same function but differ per category.
You can use free tools like Title Generator or Long Tail Pro to find what type of words people use in their searches.
#4: Use images/videos on your content
Media-rich content is more likely to be shared because users want to know what the article is about before clicking through.
If you have images or videos, put them in the post to accompany any text and make it easier on someone who has never heard of your blog/website.
You can also use Canva to make your own images if you don’t have any.
#5: Use internal linking
Internal linking is when you link the same keyword to different parts of a website. For example, if I’m talking about SEO in one post, I might link it again using that same keyword somewhere else on my blog (like another post or a homepage).
This helps search engines understand what’s related to each other and gives them more context for your content.
#6: Backlinks (Link from other websites to your content)
Google’s algorithm looks at the number of quality links pointing to your site. So when you generate a link from another website, it helps improve your ranking in search results. Here are a few ways you can do this:
Submit a guest post on another blog/website with an active community and lots of visitors (but only if it fits within your niche). These are known as “link-baiting” posts where the sole purpose is to get clicks and backlinks.
When you mention someone else’s website in an article or video on your channel, try linking directly to their page instead of using anchor text. You can even ask them for a favor when they share one of your pieces of content to link back to you.
This method can be a bit controversial, but it’s not the same as “spam” links where you try to trick Google into thinking it’s quality content.
#7: Optimize your social media pages and posts
Social media is one of the easiest ways to attract people looking for what they want online. When you post something that gets lots of likes, comments, or shares (all social signals), search engines will take notice, especially when it has a high level of engagement.
Depending on how much time/resources you have, here are some recommendations that I have come across:
- Post at least once per day if possible
- Use appropriate hashtags related to your niche
- Invite influencers like bloggers/podcasters in your niche to like/share your content
- Use software like Bufferapp if you are working full-time and can’t dedicate too much time on social media (not affiliated with the company, just an unbiased testimonial).
#8: Optimize for long-tail keywords
Long-tail keywords are specific phrases that people search for but don’t get as many results. These may be easier to rank for because there is less competition.
Here are 2 smart ways to get more long-tail keywords in your blog/website:
First, find out common questions related to your niche that come up frequently in forums or question sites like Quora. Next, answer those questions and then link back to the source of the answer in a post on your blog/website.
Target phrases like, “Does chiropractic work?” instead of “chiropractic.” This way, you can provide value while trying to rank for specific keywords down the road. Include them in both text and title tags, so it’s easy for someone to find if they’re searching for something similar.
The other way is to use this free Keyword Planner tool from Google. Just type in a keyword related to your industry (or general if you want broad ideas), and it will spit out other keywords related to the same topic that people are searching for.
#9: Pay attention to site speed
Site speed is one of the most overlooked factors when optimizing your blog/website for search engines.
Here’s why it’s important: when users come across slow-loading web pages, they will leave right away because there are plenty of other things being offered online at the same time. And as much as we hate to admit it, we are on “autopilot,” so having a fast-loading page can make or break someone sticking around and reading our content.
#10: Create engaging content
Content that is easy to read, entertaining, and educational will always be the most successful in generating organic traffic and increasing your blog/website ranking in search engines. The key here is to create “unique” pieces of content instead of stealing someone else’s ideas from a different platform (like YouTube).
If you don’t have time for an elaborate piece of content like writing a detailed article, try doing a simple how-to video or a live Q&A session with your fans on Facebook or Youtube Live.
Just make sure you do something unique that can attract more people looking for information quickly!

#11: Go mobile-friendly (or responsive design)
Google recently announced that they will now be using a person’s location to figure out what results to show. This means if someone searches for something in their area, search engines will show content from local businesses and other websites that are more relevant to them. To do this, you need to make sure your website is mobile-friendly by following these steps:
Use Google Search Console or tools like Google Pagespeed Insights to check how fast your website loads on any device. If it takes more than 3 seconds, then the user might click off from your site, never knowing how awesome it is!
#13: Optimize your outgoing links
Some sites link to external resources like PDF documents or other sites within the same niche. Since the search engine knows that you are talking about a specific topic, they will consider those links as relevant when someone is searching for the same topic on Google.
So try linking out to a few popular blogs/weblogs within your niche in each post.
#14: Write “keyword rich” headlines
You can never have too many keywords in your title tag section! Include keyword variations of things people might be looking for and make it easy for them to find what they’re looking for based on its title (and description if possible). This way, Google knows exactly what your content is all about. Also, include the keyword phrase in your text to make it easier for someone who’s searching that specific topic.
#15: Optimize your site structure
Make sure you have a blogroll on each page of your website, even if it is an “internal” link to other sections of your blog/website (like about us or contact). This helps with internal linking and boosts overall rankings because search engines will know that you are providing relevant content without going through multiple pages on your site.
Also, check out: COMMON Mistakes Newbie Bloggers Make In Keyword Research
#16: Use schema markup for Google+ local listings
Google invented schema markup to categorize certain types of data (usually location information) when it came from a website. Now you can use this same markup to make your Google+ business listing stand out and better attract more visitors.
#17: Add a sitemap to your website
Search Engines have a hard time crawling large websites, so if you want them to get through everything on your site, then you need to submit an XML sitemap that will give them direct access to the pages they are supposed to crawl for indexing (usually every page has its own URL).
#18: Use social media sharing buttons in posts
Social media helps get other people interested in your brand or company, expanding your potential audience. You can use plugins like AddThis or Shareaholic that work across all major social platforms. They also help by adding tracking codes that tell you additional statistics about your social sharing as well.
#19: Create multiple tags/keyword variations for your content
For each post you do, try to create 3-4 related keyword phrases that people might use when searching through Google (or another search engine). This will help spread your posts out and possibly get more traffic from a larger audience.
Always make sure the title tag reflects your content’s keywords or keyword phrase, as it is one of the main elements searched by users on Google or Bing. Also, try to include those keywords throughout your body text, as they are the most important part of SEO these days!
#20: Add relevant images in posts
If you can link out to an image that has good relevancy to your post, then do it! It helps the user know exactly what you are talking about or pointing out. When a user sees images relevant to each other on your website (within a blog post), they will trust you more, and the overall engagement rate goes up.
Images can also help you rank higher in Google, so always use them where possible.

#21: Make sure your site is secure
Always make sure to use SSL/HTTPS for any pages that have “sensitive” information that could be considered important for someone looking to visit your website. This includes usernames/passwords (for logins), personal info (address, birth date, social security number), and banking information/credit card numbers.
Having SSL and a secure site prevents attacks and bots from stealing this information from you (which could lead to identity theft).
#22: Update your business listing on free listings websites
There are many of these sites out there, and if you have a blog/website, it will most likely pass the “Editor’s Review,” which means it has been seen by humans and approved for use. Now it just needs some of that link juice from your site transferred over so search engines can index the page quicker!
#23: Write reviews/ratings on third-party review sites
Adding more backlinks is always important because they help with overall rankings, but not every site will allow you to write blogs like #1.
So what do we do?
Use third-party review sites like Yelp, Better Business Bureau, Angie’s List, etc., where people can write their own reviews and rate your business. You will usually need to fill out some info about your brand so you can be found in the first place (a pretty easy strategy if you ask me!).
#24: Create an AdWords campaign for your business
Using a service such as AdWords can help skyrocket your brand/company into a much larger audience than originally reaching its own. You want to make sure to have a good landing page set up for each ad you create, so users are not just taken back to the homepage of your website or blog (this is very bad!).
Use geo-targeting if possible so that you only show your ads to certain areas (even if that means driving up the cost per click, it will be worth it!).
Lastly, make sure you have data tracking set up to know if/how much a user took action after clicking on one of your ads.
Also check out: Easy Way To Find PROFITABLE Niches Using Ahrefs
#25: Use video in blog posts
If you really want to drive traffic through the roof for a particular “sales” day or event, then use a video instead of just words on some important products or services.
Videos can help compel people into taking action and buying from you over someone else who does not have videos.
These are the top 25 SEO tactics that you can do to optimize your blog/website for search engines. Some of these may seem like common sense to some, but they all work very well in theory because they are “tried and true” methods used by millions of other websites.
Do let me know if you need any help with SEO, Content Writing, Marketing, etc. I work with a lot of clients all over the world, so if you need help, then contact me at [email protected].